WORK. It's what we do, what we obsess over, celebrate, complain about, get paid for. We may call it Art, but it's still work. Particularly for creative types, where we do our work must have something to do with how it turns out, for better or worse - yet we rarely get to see behind the curtain.

We would like you to share something about your special place where creativity blooms. So where do you work?

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

What passes for work these days

Some months ago, We here at WuW transitioned from traditional commercial design work to, shall we say, a more time-eccentric, evidence-based direct interaction sort of endeavor.
 That's an extremely obfuscating way to say -- Retired.
Retirement is its own reward but it comes with some costs. Daily interactions with extremely talented colleagues, for instance, are no more.  A steady supply of tasks, the measure of Progress, Success - those are handed off to capable young practitioners eager and ready to make their marks.

 Now there is time for coffee, time for contemplation of what, exactly, constitutes Work. 
Are we still working? 

With more time each day to choose exactly what one wants to do, the ability to slow down and Look at surroundings becomes important. The ability to See life as it actually is.

This has led quite naturally to the hand-eye coordination exercise of sketching.  It's a great way to slow down, to see the texture and detail of the city, to observe, free of commercial pressure to get it Right, do it Well.

We find that we're seeing parts of our world in new ways, picking up images and viewpoints that weren't readily available in the workaday world.

So far, we like what we're seeing.